Nearly everyone, at one time or another, has written a resume in preparation for a job search. So why not start there? How many times have you done your own resume? If you’ve written it at least once, think of all the other people who have sat down to attempt it.
What an endless list of possible clients! No matter how large or small the town in which you live, hundreds and even thousands of people are in need of resumes. People change jobs a lot today, through their own wishes or due to circumstances beyond their control (like a downsize, merger, buy-out or similar business adjustment). Besides, people don’t often keep their resumes up to date.
So, we’ve established the need- resumes for people. Now, can you write them?
Why not? If you haven’t done your own lately, do it now! Practice on yourself. There are a number of books you can check out at your local library or bookstore that offer help in formatting a "Modern" resume. There are employment resumes which list your experience by positions you’ve held. There are also functional resumes which list your qualifications by skill. Your employment history listed at the end is of lesser significance to the overall message you’re trying to send, which is "hire me!"
The business world is increasingly competitive in the number of positions available, as modern technology has eliminated some positions while creating a need for others. The key today is specialization and a well-written resume can help you "stand out" in a potential employer’s eyes.
Since many individuals are either unaware of a resume‘s importance or lack the confidence in their ability to write a competitive resume, a resume-writing service can address both needs. Proper advertising of the service can educate people as to the resume‘s importance, while advertising alone may well generate more calls than you can handle from people who know a good resume is crucial and want some "expert" help in constructing their "masterpiece".
Employers use resumes today to narrow down the list of people they want to bring in for an interview. Specialization has employers looking for particular talents, but often a memorable resume can help get an interview even if all of their "requirements" for the job aren’t present.
You don‘t need much to get a resume service off the ground. First, you should study the various books on how to write a good resume. Practice a few formats and have samples ready for potential customers to review.
Second, you will need a computer with a word-processing program or even just a good memory typewriter. If you have a computer and can afford a laser printer, all the better. But remember, you’re not in the printing business, you are simply creating the resume for your client.
Finally, this is an easy business to operate out of your home. If you have an area sufficient to put a computer or typewriter, you can start. Pick up a file cabinet, or the smaller, plastic file boxes to store client files. Your client’s need for a resume probably won’t end with one effort. Another job search is likely to occur down the road and the client will probably come back to you for an update, especially if they were successful getting a job the first time around. Keeping a client’s past resume on file can assist you for further work later.
As you research your resume writing, make a list of verbs that are common for resume writing, such as:
These lists will assist you in writing your resumes very quickly without constantly referring to a thesaurus. Time is of the essence to a freelance writer; there are shortcuts to producing quality work without spending hours and hours on a given piece.
You’re ready to start. Now you must attract clients. Put together a business card and a flyer and start tacking them up on every community bulletin board in town. Send them to large company personnel departments who may refer employees who are being laid off. Advertise in the classified of your local newspaper and in the smaller, often free, publications that are circulated around town like the "Pennysaver". Tell friends and family members and give them your card/flyer. They can spread the word among friends. Someone’s bound to need help.
What should you charge? A simple one-page resume could be priced as low as $25. The more complicated the resume, the more you charge. Much depends on the amount of work you have to do. Keep track of the time it takes you to complete a resume- the more work, the longer hours, the higher your price.
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